NSW Plate: PGF001

Car Models

This plate has been listed as belonging to the following car on this site:

Make Model Year Colour
HoldenAstraBlue Grey


Rena(20/12/13, 11:35 am):
Comments: OMG This guy is one crazy nut bag!! Tailgated me to with in an inch of crashing into me for over 5kms.Tried everything to loose him in the traffic. Then when I finally pulled into a busy super market car park in an attempt to ditch this freak. He got out . He was a mad old guy grey hair and a scruffy beard - wearing boxer shorts , singlet , a white hard hat with ear muffs and a brown pair of crocks!! Threw himself on the bonnet of my car and screamed obscenities and threatened to cut me up bad and to smash me with his hammer !.I have never been so terrified in my life!!. I had never seen this creep before and he just seemed to randomly choose my car for this very scary treatment. I just yelled that I was phoning the police and he stopped enough for me to drive away. I immediately reported this incident to the Kirwan police. Long story short I did not get any joy there because there was no witnesses despite the fact there where people everywhere!!.Apparently I had no proof that he had attacked my car. Talk about Justice gone wrong!!. Stay away and out of the way of this mental crazy mad man. He's going to kill someone!!.
Rena(20/12/13, 11:39 am):
Comments: 743 KJH is the Number plate
Dooli(10/1/14, 1:01 pm):
Comments: This is a typical responce from the police. Consider getting yourself a dashcam so that you have video of the offence to back it up with.

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