Jarred(20/4/16, 7:29 am): Comments: This asshole was driving along the express way near the Figtree exit and everytime he would hit a bump nails were falling off the tray of his ute everywhere onto the road. The tray had no back rail on it and 2 toolboxes either side. There would have been at least 50 or more nails come off his ute. This is the reason people get flats. Absolute moron!
Comments: This asshole was driving along the express way near the Figtree exit and everytime he would hit a bump nails were falling off the tray of his ute everywhere onto the road. The tray had no back rail on it and 2 toolboxes either side. There would have been at least 50 or more nails come off his ute. This is the reason people get flats. Absolute moron!