SydneyDriver(29/12/14, 11:55 pm): Comments: Two vehicles [Reg No: BA63TC & ADW94H ] run the red light back to back while double demerit points were effective in Sydney, NSW. The second car seems to prefer to drive into oncoming traffic.
Watch the video using following link Filmed on Dash Cam on Monday 29 of Dec 2014 at 6.16 AM Corner of Canterbury RD & Canaries road Roselands NSW 2196
Comments: Two vehicles [Reg No: BA63TC & ADW94H ] run the red light back to back while double demerit points were effective in Sydney, NSW. The second car seems to prefer to drive into oncoming traffic. Watch the video using following link Filmed on Dash Cam on Monday 29 of Dec 2014 at 6.16 AM Corner of Canterbury RD & Canaries road Roselands NSW 2196
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