James(25/7/15, 10:03 am): Comments: This was over a year ago. One of the top worst acts of driving I've seen, so much so that I remember the license plate to this day. Weaving in an out of lanes on the west gate freeway and then into the city on wurundjeri way etc. leaving as little as a metre gap behind him to the car in the lane he is merging into. Can't remember the car though, at best possibly a red sedan.
Comments: This was over a year ago. One of the top worst acts of driving I've seen, so much so that I remember the license plate to this day. Weaving in an out of lanes on the west gate freeway and then into the city on wurundjeri way etc. leaving as little as a metre gap behind him to the car in the lane he is merging into. Can't remember the car though, at best possibly a red sedan.